10 Most Impressive Roman Monuments Still Standing

At its zenith the roman empire stretched from morocco and portugal in the west. all the way to egypt and armenia in the east founded in 27 bc the empire and its later continuation finally collapsed in 1453 a.d when the great city of constantinople was lost to the ottomans. While their heyday has long gone these now act as important historical landmarks and popular tourist attractions [Music] number 10 aqueduct of segovia is one of the best preserved and best. looking structures of its kind believed to have been built by the romans sometime around 110 a.D. The library of celsius in turkey is rightly exalted for its exquisite architecture one. of the only remaining libraries from the empire it was built sometime around 120. a.c.d as a funerary monument while most of the building was destroyed long ago in a fire its fabulous facade with its fine details and stunning statues was re-erected in the 1970s. The amphitheater of algem used to welcome gladiator fights and other public spectacles its huge stone blocks and large arches are still standing to this day. The most impressive section of the gardon du gao is a 50 kilometer long section of a river that was built to carry water to the present day in the present-day city of neemem. The Roman amphitheaters are featured in such films as monty python's life of brian and brian brian's gladiator brian is featured in the film of the same name as well as the movie of the life of python, python and the pythons. The roman emperor diocletian's palace is now one of croatia's most visited monuments and is located in the ancient greek city of ephesus. The well-preserved arena boasts hundreds of magnificent arches set over two or three. stories in its heyday it would have been able to accommodate up to 23 000. cheering spectators in addition there are some fantastic subterranean galleries aswell as four towers. one at each corner beautifully illuminated at night the arena still regularly hosts events although nowadays it's rock bands and opera singers instead of gladiators who take the stage in. croatian city of el gem. The tower of hercules is reputed to. be the oldest working lighthouse in the world the tower of Hercules has overlooked spain's. wild and rugged north atlantic coastline since at least the second century a. d this was. when it wasBuilt by theRomans who based its design on the legendary lighthouse. of alexandria towering to 55 meters the sturdy looking tower was last renovated in 1791 when the old roman masonry was repaired set on a scenic spot on a peninsula. in galicia. lying along the city's waterfront are the emperor's apartments. as well and a monumental central court built over a number of decades during the third and fourth centuries the dioc letian's Palace is now a popular tourist destination and looks particularly arresting when lit up beneath the night. sky. It is located on the coast of galicia the endless sea stretching away before the tower was seen as. the edge of the world by the [ music] romans. The pula arena still retains its complete circuit of glimmering white limestone walls built between 27 bc and. 68 a.e.d the well- Preserved arena still hosts events and still retains it's huge stone block blocks and huge arches. It was once used as a public arena to host gladiator fights and crowds of up to 35,000 at a time who came to watch gladiator fight and other public spectacles. The garden of du Gao is the largest and best preserved roman. monuments around the amphitheter of el Gem built around 238 a.E.D the colossal arena is still standing and in the whole town used to retreat to its protective confines and in times of trouble. The gardens of ponte du gonte are a magnificent achievement of engineering spanning the width of the river it is all the highest of all the water to carry the river to its present day it is the highest point of the garden of the ponte de gonte. The  highest point is at its tallest. point reaches 29 meters in total the Aqueduct boasts 88 elegant arches all of which. have stood the test of time [Music], and at its highest. point is the pula Arena of el gonte, which was built between 238 and 238 bc and still stands in the historic heart of the city of  algem. It's believed to be the largest surviving roman palace in the  city of split's old town the massive complex makes for a spectacular sight as it has four towers and sturdy gates alongside elaborate facades all built out of. shimmeringwhite limestone and marble.